Lesson Creation: Canva (Free Premium Account)

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Lesson Creation: Canva (Get a Premium Account)

  1. Navigate to: Canva
  2. Click on Signup
  3. Signup with your school email address
  4. Select the Teacher role
  5. Select get verified now
  6. Fill in the information as required
  7. Upload School Employment Status (Please request this document from the HR Department) & a copy of your teaching degree.
  8. Click Submit

*Verification is not immediate.

Why Canva?

It has a wealth of resources in terms of Powerpoint templates to create professional lessons. It is a graphic design tool that makes creating Powerpoint presentations easier.

How to use Canva in 10 Minutes:

How to use Canva (Full Tutorial):


How to create worksheets on Canva:



Official Canva Tutorials:

Click here to access the tutorials

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